Rock / Bidgood semis

Congratulations to all players through to the semi-finals. It’s good to see that two clubs, Mercia and Wolverhampton, are represented in both competitions.

The semi-final draw for the Rock Cup is:

Richard Wiltshir (RUS) 0-1 Andrew McCumiskey (MER)

Robert Marshall (WOL) 1-0 Andrew Leadbetter (STA)

The semi-final draw for the Bidgood trophy is:

Gordon Sands (WOL) 1-0 Martyn Hathaway (HAL)

Jonathan Pincher (WB) v Stuart Deeley (MER)

In these draws the first named player in each pairing has White. The second named player has Black but is at home and is responsible for contacting his/her opponent within a week.

The detailed rules are on the League’s website here:

All results, from both players please, to me please by the end of February.

Posted of behalf Frank Wood
Tournament Secretary