Bidgood Trophy Semi-final draw

Please find below the draw for the 4th round of the Bidgood Trophy and you have until the 7 March 2025 to arrange and play your next match.

It is important to note that the player with BLACK plays at HOME and is responsible for arranging the date and venue of the game by 11 February 2025.

You can do this using the contact details I will share in a separate email.

I have copied the rules below for you to consult and if you have any questions please contact me.

Please let me know as soon as you have agreed a date and as soon as you have a result.

Please allow time for a replay in the event of a draw in the first game.

Bidgood round 4
Black (home)White (away)
Aarav SohiDaniel Jones
Paul EvansChris Stallard

Posted on behalf of

Will Vout Hon Tournament Secretary